Citizen of the Year / Junior Citizen of the Year

     Sponsored by the Delhi District Chamber of Commerce


                                        OFFICIAL NOMINATION FORM


Name of Nominee: ____________________________________________________

Address of Nominee:   Street: _____________________________________________

Town:   _____________________________   Postal Code: ______________

Telephone Number/Email address: _________________________________________

I/We _____________________________________________ nominate the above named person for Delhi Citizen of the Year or Junior Citizen of the year (please circle choice for 2020-2021

Signature of Nominator: _________________________________________________


  • Entries must be received on or before April 1st of current year.
  • Nominees must be a resident of Delhi or the immediate surrounding area
  • Nominations may be made by an individual, club, service group, etc.
  • Individuals may not win a Citizen of the Year award more than once with exception: a former Junior Citizen of the Year is eligible for citizen of the year, but will be judged according to his/her contributions since turning 21 years of age
  • Non-winning nominees from previous years may be nominated in proceeding years
  • Decision of the Judges is final

Please list reasons or contributions to the Town of Delhi

  1. ______________________________________________________________
  2. ______________________________________________________________
  3. ______________________________________________________________
  4. ______________________________________________________________
  5. ______________________________________________________________

Please use the back of this sheet or a separate paper to state additional reasons

Completed nomination forms may be mailed to: Delhi District Chamber of Commerce, PO Box 11, Delhi, ON   N4B 2W8 or hand delivered to any member of the Chamber of Commerce Executive.

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