We are trying to grow our Chamber of Commerce in Delhi, we are actively working for our local businesses/entrepreneurs and would love to have you join the team. If your too busy to attend meetings just having your name as a member speaks volumes in the community.
With more members we can have a louder voice for Delhi and the surrounding areas, (that sometimes isn’t heard). It’s Delhi and District Chamber of Commerce which includes all businesses in the surrounding areas that wish to join.
Check out the benefits offered to you by being a member.
Check us out and ask us any questions you may have. We need you today.
A big thank you to TD Canada Trust for a very informative fun business after 5. You are a great sponsor of Delhi and we appreciate you !!!!
Federal All Candidates Night sponsored by the Delhi & District Camber of Commerce
A very successful evening with over 100 in attendance. Thanks to Michael Badawoy for moderating the event and the assistance of the Delhi German Home. Democracy in Action
February 17, 2020 -Kinsmen Club of Delhi
Here is an opportunity to help the community when you  join the newly formed Kinsmen Club of Delhi.  The Kinsmen have contributed significantly to the community and the past and the club wishes to carry on that legacy.  Please contact Brent Stefan at 519-410-1818 for further informationSeptember 17, 2019 -Business After 5 -sponsored by TD Canada Trust
October 2, 2019 -Federal All Candidates Night -Delhi German Home